There are a number of major pathways through Years 10, 11 & 12:
Year 10 students can do a straight academic Year 10, Year 10 with a VCE subject, Year 10 with a VET Subject or Foundation VCAL.
Year 11 and 12 students have a choice of two certificates –VCE and VCAL – and within these two certificates students can do a VET program or an SBA program.
VCE stands for Victorian Certificate of Education. The VCE is a universal Year 11&12 course which is determined by the subjects you choose.
The VCE is the preferred certificate for students to undertake if they wish to keep ALL pathway options available to them.
It enables access to further study at Universities and TAFE’s and is recognised by employers.
The VCE leads to:
- University Degrees;
- TAFE Diplomas
- TAFE Certificate
- Courses
- Apprenticeships
- Traineeships
- Career and
- Employment options
What can I choose from?
Your VCE can be made up of a combination of:
- VCE Units
- Approved VCE-VET programs
- Approved ASBAs
- Extension Studies
VET stands for Vocational Education and Training.
These are nationally accredited vocational qualifications that result in a Certificate II or III from a TAFE college or other R.T.O.
A VET certificate in an approved course can be done as part of your VCE or your VCAL. It counts towards both certificates.
VCAL stands for Victorian Certificate of Applied Learning.
VCAL is a work-oriented course that emphasises development of skills and preparation for the world of work.
VCAL is recommended mainly for students who are sure they will not wish to go on to university upon completion of Year 12.
It enables access to further study at TAFE and other RTO’s.
VCAL leads to:
- TAFE Certificate
- Courses
- Apprenticeships
- Traineeships
- Career and
- Employment options
What can I choose from?
Your VCAL will be made up of a combination of:
- VCAL Units
- VCE Units
- Approved VCE-VET programs
- Approved
- ASBA/Traineeships
SBA stands for School-based Apprenticeships/ Traineeships.
Students doing an SBA are contracted to, and work for, an employer. They also do a training component and gain the same certificates as VET students.
An SBA in an approved course can be done as part of your VCAL. One day per week is built into the VCAL program to allow you to work for your employer.
If you wish to do a SBA as part of your VCE, you must be able to arrange the structured workplace learning (work placement) component outside school hours.
An SBA counts towards both VCE and VCAL certificates.
A SBA is highly regarded by employers and there are incentives for employers to take you on as an apprentice upon completion.